“The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways.”
John F. Kennedy
Who we are
SFS system is disruptive; combining decades of testing, agricultural experience, in-depth knowledge of cellular metabolism, a commitment to natural/organic applications and research driven decisions; creating revolutionary powerful farming solutions.
We are a disruptive, environmentally conscience farming technology company, unapologetic in our passion to produce transformational farming solutions; developing innovative ways to finance and implement profitable global initiatives that directly empower and impact the local community while substantially contributing to a vastly improved economic result; radically increasing delivery of more nutritious food and rejuvenated soil.
Global Need / Industry Transformation Opportunity
Unsustainable Agricultural Practices
Many developing countries’ agricultural systems are on the verge of a collapse due to various failed schemes.Harmful Agricultural Practices
The residues of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and over-use of soil have led to an inability for production to reach optimized levels.
Broken Financial Structures
The structures for financing and subsidizing the farmers are broken or compromised systems and have proved to be less effective and unsustainable.
Maize Production Yield Gap
There's a corn yield gap of up to 69% globally
The yield gap is the difference between the potential yield and the actual production

White papers, reports and other resources

Pictorial presentation of the SFS product demonstration Field project in Zambia
In this section we are making pictorial presentation of the activities undertaken during the project implementation phase.

Understanding Cellular Metabolism
In this book, we lay out a detailed analysis of how the cell works and presented a new theory that the cell is not controlled by the nucleus, but rather by the cell wall. We then show the logic of this mechanism for modulation of immunity, nutritional status, transmission from extra cellular status to intercellular delivery, and the data supporting this new theory.

Soil Restoration: Drought Resistance, Soil Health Improvement, Toxin Sequestration and Worms
Unprecedented population growth is being experienced globally and there is low food production that is unable to meet the demand due to population growth.

Dealing with the Sins of the Past and Work towards a Nature-Based Future: New Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture
Many third world developing countries agricultural systems are on the verge of a collapse due to a number of failed schemes.

Improving Carbon Sequestration, Climate Resilience and Increasing the Productivity of Farms using Nature Based Solutions: The Case of Salvation Farming Solutions
Nature based solutions are considered long term beneficial environmentally, cost efficient and effective approaches
in addressing sustainable land resource management, water quality and adaptation to climate change and is key in improving food security by
increasing land ecosystem sustainability and productivity.
November 22, 2022
To best understand the input and outcomes of the vision of Salvation Farming Solutions is at best a 3-Dimensional equation and like the advent of “Windows” for computers, SFS is a new operating solution for the living planet. First, we must understand the Top Down aspects of how things get done and undone. How will governments learn to embrace this new technology? By partnering with Global agencies with fiscal relations with the countries we serve there is already a pathway of support that can be altered to the more productive, eco-safe, nature-based, regenerative program that Salvation Farming Solutions presents.
November 16, 2022
We currently face the collapse of many of the same systems that provide us the ability to live on Planet Earth. The water and air are polluted. Toxins have been inputted into the soil under the guise of improving production, and these very toxins have remained combined as new chemicals that have other effects while most of the inputs for the ground have leeched into water systems further toxifying the freshwater
Given the significant farmer cost savings and improved production output with this program it is recommended that Market Demonstrations be pursued to make these solutions more available for smallholder farmers as climate resilient options for improved food security and economic development for the sector…
M. Rajesh Kumar Director Saral Jeevan India Foundation; India